We will see how we get liberation and Self-realization and is it possible in this life? How it is possible and when it will happen?
There is text in Ancient Yogic texts, Puranas which are 8000 years old that “Yat Pinde tat Bahmande” it means “All that outside is within you” Your body is a miniature universe. It also mean that cosmos is within our body and all the nine planets are connected with our seven chakras in our Astral Body.
There total 7 Chakras in our body.

First is Muladhara which is behind our private parts. We call it Root chakra. Muladhara governs what are considered the four primal urges: food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation. Its energetic function is to help us maintain a sense of groundedness and inner stability.
Second is Svadhisthana chakra. We call it Sacral Chakra which is 4 Inch above Root chakra. Which is located at the pelvis. Sacral chakra function is to help us regulate our emotions and desires, so as not to be driven by them.
Third is Manipura Chakra, Generally knows as Navel Chakra which is behind the belly button or navel centre. Manipura chakra function is to optimize our personal power so that we can navigate our lives with strength and determination. Manipura gives us the confidence we need to process and eliminate what does not serve us, and to let it go.
Forth is Anahata Chakra, is Heart chakra located at the heart centre. Anahata is associated with the air element, and with emotional qualities such as peace, love, and openness. Energetically, Heart chakra helps us tap into unconditional love.
Fifth is Vishuddha chakra (The Throat Chakra) which is located near the base of the throat. The Throat chakra associated with the element ether, or “space”, and with speaking one’s truth. Its energetic function is to help us find authentic self-expression.
Sixth is Ajna Chakra which is Eye Chakra which is located between two eyebrows. It is seat of the mind, of conscious and unconscious awareness. This chakra is beyond Physical elements. It is the centre of intuition, vision, prophecy, imagination, inner knowing, and self-assurance. Ajna chakra function is to help us learn to know ourselves: emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Seventh is Sahasrara, which is Crown Chakra and it is located top of the brain. It is not associated with Physical elements. It is for connecting to divine energy and is associated with our highest self. Crown chakra helps us to function in more enlightened way, cultivate self-mastery and find a sense of connection with all.
Now, come to Planets, The Venus and Mercury are between Earth and Sun whereas Mars, Jupiter, Saturn are beyond the Sun. The Venus and Mercury are below the Sun whereas Mars, Jupiter and Saturn above the Sun in our body too.
Each planet is connected with each chakra in the Astral Body. Mercury is with Rahu in Root chakra. Where Rahu is cause of our current birth and also indicates past life desires so inspiring Mercury Move ahead as per past life desires.
Venus is in the Sacral Chakra. Sun is in the Navel Chakra. Moon is in the Heart Chakra. Mars is in the Throat chakra, Jupiter is in the Eye chakra.
Saturn-Ketu are in the Crown Chakra. Where Ketu is watching our progress of life from birth to death and then decides the destination of the Astral body after death. Ketu is giver of liberation if person reaches Crown chakra and Ketu in Meditation. Rahu-Ketu controls our Birth cycle.
Rahu is in the root chakra and it is cause of birth and know your past desires as well so he inspires Mercury who is seated with Rahu in Root Chakra to create the determined and focused mind intelligence to awake Kundalini and Move ahead. When one reaches the sacral chakra, Mercury decides whether to stay there permanently or go beyond that as per past karma (deeds) and planetary situation at birth time.
The Sacral Chakra is the Seat of Venus where you can enjoy Hunger, lust, Love, Sex, Money and all comforts of life as per your past karma and most numbers of people prefer to stay here only at 2nd chakra Sacral Chakra.
Some people reaches up to Navel Chakra where is Sun seating. But Most of people cannot go beyond that. They cannot overcome Ego and so in next birth their Sun remains powerful and they go to politics and get power. But those who wants to cross Navel chakra and reach to Heart Chakra they need to overcome of their Ego to reach up to Heart chakra.
After reaching to Heart Chakra, the man can weep for God. They feel pain of people and they have tears in eye to see the pain of human and animal and they develop compassion in their heart. This is the First Enlightenment.
Once you reach the Moon chakra. Your mind will help you to climb ahead. Now while touching the Throat chakra where one feels too much Sex hunger, Anger, worldly desires but if you continue meditation journey and pass this blockages then you can reach to Eye Chakra. Here we get blessings of Jupiter the Master. Then it gives power and path to final chakra Crown Chakra. Where you can easily reach. Which is under control of Saturn and Ketu.
In Birth chart, The Moon is connected with the Ketu then He/she will have desires for meditation or a spiritual hunger. If Moon is connected with Jupiter then he/she makes on religious but without Saturn’s connection no one can develop much and stuck only in rituals. If Moon is connected with the Saturn then He/she would Love meditation and Have strong desires of Spiritual journey. Here Strong Saturn means which creates true faith, penance, patience and detachment towards the world. Weak Saturn creates the blind faith and superstition and they cannot distinguish who is real guru and who is wrong. So they are misguided by such Guru.
In Birth chart, if the Venus is exalted then it can help to reach up to Heart Chakra otherwise Moon connected with Mars, Mercury, Venus and Rahu are the Hurdles in Spiritual journey. If Mars exalted or in Aries gives strong determination to achieve the goal at any cost.
In Birth chart, Moon’s connection with Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu indicates that you have travelled your journey up to Throat chakra or Eye chakra in Previous Birth. So here in this Life You will meet your Guru. Guru knows your birth so He will find you wherever you are on this world.
If Jupiter is connected with Saturn then you have developed much in past lives so easily you will search your Guru or Start your spiritual journey in this birth.
Now when you will reach to Throat Chakra, Eye chakra or Crown Chakra and when your birth will be last?
The Sun is soul. The Moon is Astral Body. Saturn is the ruler of mediation and Self-realisation. So when the Saturn transits over the natal Sun or natal Moon. It means that Saturn is swelling in Navel or Heart Chakra for two and half years. This is the time when one can have spiritual inclination and if already advanced then He/she can experience God. He can enjoy the Eternal peace at heart and have some glimpses also. But this is called the Sade sati period and it remains most negative for world desires.
When the Ketu come over Sun or Moon awaken one to Start Spiritual Journey but not stronger than Saturn. Generally we have seen that when man in trouble then start the praying god and start becoming spiritual or start the journey Spirituality.
When Jupiter transit the natal Saturn it means the Jupiter travel from Eye chakra to Crown chakra and so inspire one to start the spiritual journey or take initiation at this time one gets spiritual knowledge and meets spiritual people.
When Saturn transit come over the Jupiter. It means that Saturn comes down from Crown Chakra to Eye chakra to awaken one for spiritual journey and teach him/her the real goal of life and also bless them. This is the time of two and half years when Saturn is pleased to bestow his grace to those who are interested to elevate themselves to higher state of spiritualism but this is only possible when one travelled his journey in past lives.
What are chakras? Chakras are energies of Planets who are connected with seven world. Satya Loka, Tapo Loka, Jana Loka, Mahar Loka, Swarga Loka, Bhuvar Loka, Bhuva Loka (where we lives and this called Death World where no one can live permanent here All beings of Loka will be die on Some day. in this Loka (world) two things are permanent Death and Glory.
(Extra Information about Seven Worlds– Satya Loka- where Creator of Universe lives, Tapo Loka- where Servant of God lives, Jana Loka- where Sons of god brahma lives like Seven Saptarishis (we see Seven stars in sky those are Sons of lord Brahma Atri, Angira, Pulaha, Pulastya, Brigu, Marichi, Vasishta, Kratu all these are Great Sages of this world. Mahara Loka, here some great sages lives. Swarga Loka- This is region between Sun and Seven stars. Which is heaven of Indra dev and many gods’ lives. Bhuvar Loka – Which is region between earth and Sun where fore fathers or our ancestors and Semi divine beings, demi god’s lives.
We live a life due to breathing. When we breathe with right nostril the oxygen is going to Manipura chakra (Navel Chakra) and life elements (vital elements) is released there which keeps us alive.
Sun is distributing these life energy or vitality to heart and all chakras to keep them active. Because of that we should take deep breath to send Maximum energy to navel chakra to live healthy. When we take breath with Left Nostril the Oxygen or Vital elements goes to heart chakra and touching Moon there. This Liv energy of Moon goes to psyche board in the astral body which keeps thought process active and healthy.
When both nostrils are active then we say that Sushumna Nadi is Active. It means that the Prana tatva or Vital elements passing through all Seven Chakras. (More information about Sushumna Nadi – Sushumna nadi is the primary of the three main nadi (channels of energy) in the body. In yoga and the health science of Ayurveda, it is thought that keeping the nadi in balance and free of blockages promotes the flow of prana, which increases physical and mental health. As the central nadi, subhuman runs straight up the length of the spinal cord and through each of the chakras.
With blessing of God, I tried to explain these. I apologize if there is spelling mistakes or any other mistakes. I will write more articles about Breathing Techniques and how to use it for your goodness in life.
We will see how we get liberation and Self-realization and is it possible in this life? How it is possible and when it will happen?
There is text in Ancient Yogic texts, Puranas which are 8000 years old that “Yat Pinde tat Bahmande” it means “All that outside is within you” Your body is a miniature universe. It also mean that cosmos is within our body and all the nine planets are connected with our seven chakras in our Astral Body.
There total 7 Chakras in our body.
First is Muladhara which is behind our private parts. We call it Root chakra. Muladhara governs what are considered the four primal urges: food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation. Its energetic function is to help us maintain a sense of groundedness and inner stability.
Second is Svadhisthana chakra. We call it Sacral Chakra which is 4 Inch above Root chakra. Which is located at the pelvis. Sacral chakra function is to help us regulate our emotions and desires, so as not to be driven by them.
Third is Manipura Chakra, Generally knows as Navel Chakra which is behind the belly button or navel centre. Manipura chakra function is to optimize our personal power so that we can navigate our lives with strength and determination. Manipura gives us the confidence we need to process and eliminate what does not serve us, and to let it go.
Forth is Anahata Chakra, is Heart chakra located at the heart centre. Anahata is associated with the air element, and with emotional qualities such as peace, love, and openness. Energetically, Heart chakra helps us tap into unconditional love.
Fifth is Vishuddha chakra (The Throat Chakra) which is located near the base of the throat. The Throat chakra associated with the element ether, or “space”, and with speaking one’s truth. Its energetic function is to help us find authentic self-expression.
Sixth is Ajna Chakra which is Eye Chakra which is located between two eyebrows. It is seat of the mind, of conscious and unconscious awareness. This chakra is beyond Physical elements. It is the centre of intuition, vision, prophecy, imagination, inner knowing, and self-assurance. Ajna chakra function is to help us learn to know ourselves: emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Seventh is Sahasrara, which is Crown Chakra and it is located top of the brain. It is not associated with Physical elements. It is for connecting to divine energy and is associated with our highest self. Crown chakra helps us to function in more enlightened way, cultivate self-mastery and find a sense of connection with all.
Now, come to Planets, The Venus and Mercury are between Earth and Sun whereas Mars, Jupiter, Saturn are beyond the Sun. The Venus and Mercury are below the Sun whereas Mars, Jupiter and Saturn above the Sun in our body too.
Each planet is connected with each chakra in the Astral Body. Mercury is with Rahu in Root chakra. Where Rahu is cause of our current birth and also indicates past life desires so inspiring Mercury Move ahead as per past life desires.
Venus is in the Sacral Chakra. Sun is in the Navel Chakra. Moon is in the Heart Chakra. Mars is in the Throat chakra, Jupiter is in the Eye chakra.
Saturn-Ketu are in the Crown Chakra. Where Ketu is watching our progress of life from birth to death and then decides the destination of the Astral body after death. Ketu is giver of liberation if person reaches Crown chakra and Ketu in Meditation. Rahu-Ketu controls our Birth cycle.
Rahu is in the root chakra and it is cause of birth and know your past desires as well so he inspires Mercury who is seated with Rahu in Root Chakra to create the determined and focused mind intelligence to awake Kundalini and Move ahead. When one reaches the sacral chakra, Mercury decides whether to stay there permanently or go beyond that as per past karma (deeds) and planetary situation at birth time.
The Sacral Chakra is the Seat of Venus where you can enjoy Hunger, lust, Love, Sex, Money and all comforts of life as per your past karma and most numbers of people prefer to stay here only at 2nd chakra Sacral Chakra.
Some people reaches up to Navel Chakra where is Sun seating. But Most of people cannot go beyond that. They cannot overcome Ego and so in next birth their Sun remains powerful and they go to politics and get power. But those who wants to cross Navel chakra and reach to Heart Chakra they need to overcome of their Ego to reach up to Heart chakra.
After reaching to Heart Chakra, the man can weep for God. They feel pain of people and they have tears in eye to see the pain of human and animal and they develop compassion in their heart. This is the First Enlightenment.
Once you reach the Moon chakra. Your mind will help you to climb ahead. Now while touching the Throat chakra where one feels too much Sex hunger, Anger, worldly desires but if you continue meditation journey and pass this blockages then you can reach to Eye Chakra. Here we get blessings of Jupiter the Master. Then it gives power and path to final chakra Crown Chakra. Where you can easily reach. Which is under control of Saturn and Ketu.
In Birth chart, The Moon is connected with the Ketu then He/she will have desires for meditation or a spiritual hunger. If Moon is connected with Jupiter then he/she makes on religious but without Saturn’s connection no one can develop much and stuck only in rituals. If Moon is connected with the Saturn then He/she would Love meditation and Have strong desires of Spiritual journey. Here Strong Saturn means which creates true faith, penance, patience and detachment towards the world. Weak Saturn creates the blind faith and superstition and they cannot distinguish who is real guru and who is wrong. So they are misguided by such Guru.
In Birth chart, if the Venus is exalted then it can help to reach up to Heart Chakra otherwise Moon connected with Mars, Mercury, Venus and Rahu are the Hurdles in Spiritual journey. If Mars exalted or in Aries gives strong determination to achieve the goal at any cost.
In Birth chart, Moon’s connection with Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu indicates that you have travelled your journey up to Throat chakra or Eye chakra in Previous Birth. So here in this Life You will meet your Guru. Guru knows your birth so He will find you wherever you are on this world.
If Jupiter is connected with Saturn then you have developed much in past lives so easily you will search your Guru or Start your spiritual journey in this birth.
Now when you will reach to Throat Chakra, Eye chakra or Crown Chakra and when your birth will be last?
The Sun is soul. The Moon is Astral Body. Saturn is the ruler of mediation and Self-realisation. So when the Saturn transits over the natal Sun or natal Moon. It means that Saturn is swelling in Navel or Heart Chakra for two and half years. This is the time when one can have spiritual inclination and if already advanced then He/she can experience God. He can enjoy the Eternal peace at heart and have some glimpses also. But this is called the Sade sati period and it remains most negative for world desires.
When the Ketu come over Sun or Moon awaken one to Start Spiritual Journey but not stronger than Saturn. Generally we have seen that when man in trouble then start the praying god and start becoming spiritual or start the journey Spirituality.
When Jupiter transit the natal Saturn it means the Jupiter travel from Eye chakra to Crown chakra and so inspire one to start the spiritual journey or take initiation at this time one gets spiritual knowledge and meets spiritual people.
When Saturn transit come over the Jupiter. It means that Saturn comes down from Crown Chakra to Eye chakra to awaken one for spiritual journey and teach him/her the real goal of life and also bless them. This is the time of two and half years when Saturn is pleased to bestow his grace to those who are interested to elevate themselves to higher state of spiritualism but this is only possible when one travelled his journey in past lives.
What are chakras? Chakras are energies of Planets who are connected with seven world. Satya Loka, Tapo Loka, Jana Loka, Mahar Loka, Swarga Loka, Bhuvar Loka, Bhuva Loka (where we lives and this called Death World where no one can live permanent here All beings of Loka will be die on Some day. in this Loka (world) two things are permanent Death and Glory.
(Extra Information about Seven Worlds– Satya Loka- where Creator of Universe lives, Tapo Loka- where Servant of God lives, Jana Loka- where Sons of god brahma lives like Seven Saptarishis (we see Seven stars in sky those are Sons of lord Brahma Atri, Angira, Pulaha, Pulastya, Brigu, Marichi, Vasishta, Kratu all these are Great Sages of this world. Mahara Loka, here some great sages lives. Swarga Loka- This is region between Sun and Seven stars. Which is heaven of Indra dev and many gods’ lives. Bhuvar Loka – Which is region between earth and Sun where fore fathers or our ancestors and Semi divine beings, demi god’s lives.
We live a life due to breathing. When we breathe with right nostril the oxygen is going to Manipura chakra (Navel Chakra) and life elements (vital elements) is released there which keeps us alive.
Sun is distributing these life energy or vitality to heart and all chakras to keep them active. Because of that we should take deep breath to send Maximum energy to navel chakra to live healthy. When we take breath with Left Nostril the Oxygen or Vital elements goes to heart chakra and touching Moon there. This Liv energy of Moon goes to psyche board in the astral body which keeps thought process active and healthy.
When both nostrils are active then we say that Sushumna Nadi is Active. It means that the Prana tatva or Vital elements passing through all Seven Chakras. (More information about Sushumna Nadi – Sushumna nadi is the primary of the three main nadi (channels of energy) in the body. In yoga and the health science of Ayurveda, it is thought that keeping the nadi in balance and free of blockages promotes the flow of prana, which increases physical and mental health. As the central nadi, subhuman runs straight up the length of the spinal cord and through each of the chakras.